
Sublime text auto format
Sublime text auto format

sublime text auto format

It's a minor annoyance but it saves me time every day. Restart your Sublime and after the previous steps completed, we can see the linting errors and warnings right in Sublime Text and update live as we code. Now when you paste something into sublime it will automatically match the indent level. In the file that this opens up you're going to change it to the following (unless you already have something in there and then you should add the two middle lines): [ On a PC there is a menu option Preferences > Key Bindings - User and on the Mac it's Sublime Text > Preferences > Key Bindings - User. To fix this minor problem you can change the key bindings. It has a nice shortcut but it's kind of a paint to use because you have to retrain your brain to use Ctrl+Shift+V instead of the normal Ctrl+V for a single app. What if there was a better way? Sublime Text has a feature that does this automatically. See all those extra tabs at the beginning of the line? It's a travesty.

#Sublime text auto format install#

One of the things that bothers me is it doesn't match the level of indentation when you copy and paste some code: Install this packages via CMD + SHIFT + P > Install package > Search for Pretty JSON and install. Sublime Text 2 is my preferred text editor at the moment because of all the cool features it has and it's speed. Setup Assuming you have Node and Package Control already installed on your system: Install JSCS globally using npm (npm install -g jscs) Next, open up the Command Palette in Sublime and type.

Sublime text auto format